Page 3

  Considering the way I’m about ready to jump him simply because of the way he looks at me—his brown eyes almost sparkling—I’d say we have a winner.

  Increased sex drive, it is.

  Good thing I have some handy toys at home, waiting to be of service. At least they’re a safe bet—contrary to this man beside me.

  Despite the fact that he’s been nothing but nice and lovely since he got around to accepting our circumstances, I still can’t put my heart on the line like that. It would make a huge mess of everything if things didn’t work out. It’s definitely not the right time or situation to jump the gun in any way.

  We eat the rest of our ice cream in silence. When I’m done, I lean my head against the back of the high bench. “What are we gonna do now?” I’m not even sure what I’m asking about exactly. Life in general? Right now? Us? Everything?

  Because, let’s face it, my whole life is going to change—drastically.

  “Hmmm?” His pinkie finger pulls on mine for a moment before he takes it away again. “If you mean in general, we’re gonna make sure you have a healthy pregnancy, just like the doctor ordered. Lots of good food, plenty of exercise, and tons of satisfying sex.”

  I chuckle at his last remark. “I don’t remember the doctor saying that last one. He mentioned something about sex being okay during pregnancy, but that’s about it.”

  Aiden shrugs his shoulders and winks at me. “I guess that’s just wishful thinking on my part then.”

  Gaping at him, it takes me a moment for that comment to sink in. What exactly is that supposed to mean? Is that an offer? A simple statement? Is he talking about himself, or just me and my sex life? My head’s spinning from all the questions, but he speaks again before I can ask him to clarify.

  “As for now”—he stands from the bench and holds out his hand toward me—“would you like to take a walk on the beach with me?” He looks down at the elegant silver watch on his wrist. “I have to work tonight, but I still have a couple hours left, if you don’t have anything else to do.”

  Staring at his outstretched hand like it’s some alien object, I shake my head. “Nope, no plans for me.”

  “How about that walk then?”

  Nodding at him, I place my hand in his. I get a sense of déjà vu, immediately remembering the feel of his hands on me—hands that are branded with a mix of calluses, scars, and soft spots, all marks from many years in the kitchen.

  We take a long walk up and down the beach, each of us swinging our shoes in our hands. We talk about everything and nothing—our favorite foods, movies, and books, even though the books are more me than him. Aiden tells me funny stories from his job, and there’s that satisfied grin on his face every time I laugh—which is often. By the time he drops me off at my apartment, my stomach hurts in the best possible way.

  After waving at him one more time through the car window, I barely make it into my apartment before my phone buzzes in my purse.

  Aiden: I really meant what I said about your pregnancy earlier. I want to take care of you every way I can. You’re the woman who’s carrying my baby, and I don’t want you to lack a thing, okay? Please let me know if you need anything—anything.

  His message sends my brain into overdrive again because, to me, it makes one thing blatantly clear—we’re only in this situation because I accidentally got pregnant. If it wasn’t for my condition, our paths probably wouldn’t have crossed a second time.

  The thought of never seeing him again and the chance he’s only treating me this well because I’m pregnant with his child makes me incredibly sad.

  At the same time, maybe I should take him up on his offer to help me out.

  It would be nice to have someone to share this journey with.

  And I mean, it’s not like I can get pregnant again either, right?

  Setting the phone on my coffee table, I decide to let the topic rest for tonight and take a bath instead.



  I’m totally not sitting in my SUV across the street from the flower store where Stella works, trying to come up with the nerve to go inside.

  Okay, that’s a total lie because that’s exactly what I’m doing.

  Is this stalker territory already?

  Better get this show started before someone reports me.

  Sitting here, I’ve come to realize I’ve actually never pursued a woman this way before—not beyond getting her in my bed, that is. Even then, I didn’t make much of an effort. It makes me sound like a cocky jerk, but it was never necessary to get what I want. This is completely new territory for me, and I have to admit, it’s slightly terrifying.

  After taking another deep breath, I get out of my SUV and head over to the small strip mall. The flower shop is sandwiched between a hair salon and a pizzeria, the smells coming from both neighboring stores fighting for dominance. Thankfully, the closer I get to the flower store, the more the smell of fresh flowers overpowers everything else.

  The bell above the door chimes when I open it, announcing my arrival.

  Too late to chicken out now.

  “I’ll be right there.” Stella’s voice comes from somewhere in the back as I step inside, looking around the store curiously.

  Naturally, it’s filled with flowers—fresh cut ones, plants in buckets, bouquets, and other arrangements and plants. There’s even a display with what looks like a flower cake. I didn’t even know that was a thing.

  I’m looking at one of the walls, filled with little random gifts, baskets, and other quaint things, when I hear footsteps approach.

  “Aiden?” My name leaves Stella’s mouth, her tone shocked and barely a whisper.

  Her voice causes me to turn around, her beauty stunning me like every time I see her. She’s wearing her long, dark hair up today, giving me a prime view of her delicate neck.

  “Hey, baby mama.” I close my eyes and shake my head—at myself, of course. Apparently, my desire for her totally took over for a moment, short-circuiting my brain.

  Shit. Seriously. What a stupid thing to say.

  It appears I have more luck than judgment, though, because Stella throws her head back and laughs. A real loud belly laugh. If I didn’t already know it by now, I’m getting another confirmation that my dick is definitely not broken as it stirs in my pants.

  Not that I can blame him. The way her breasts—that have definitely gotten bigger just these last few weeks alone—strain against her shirt, while the smooth skin of her exposed collarbone is practically begging me to have a taste of her sweet skin.

  It’s almost too much.

  She walks over to me, skillfully maneuvering her hips around potted plants. When she stands in front of me, her hands grasp my forearms as she goes up on her tippy-toes to kiss my cheek. “Hi.”

  I stare at her, like the total moron I am, as she takes a step back.

  “What are you doing here? Were we supposed to meet up for lunch and I forgot about it? My mom took today off to run some errands, so I can’t leave the store. I’m sorry.” She frowns as she looks down at the floor.

  I totally forgot this is a family business that Stella and her mom run together.

  Closing the distance between us, I’m the one touching her arm this time. “Nope, you didn’t forget anything. I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d drop by to see how you’re doing.”

  At that, she chuckles. “We just talked on the phone this morning, silly. You know I’m doing okay.”

  “I know, but it’s not the same. Plus, I like seeing you.” It’s hard for me to tone it down for her sake, but I know I have to. I want her so badly—and not just for a quick roll in the hay either—it literally hurts. Seeing her and spending time with her has quickly become the highlight of my day, something that has never happened to me before.

  I’m completely aware what’s happening between us isn’t your typical dating story. This is different because Stella is growing a baby—our baby.

  Even though we’ve been see
ing each other once or twice a week since she came back into my life, we always just hang out. We don’t go on real dates or kiss, despite the fact I’d like to—and so much more. Sometimes we hold hands, but that’s more of a random thing.

  I know what I want, but I’m not sure how to approach it. My normal technique is waltzing in like a bulldozer and taking what I want, but even I know that wouldn’t work very well in our case. I can’t blame her either because, in the end, she’s got a lot more to lose than me. While I could walk away from the whole situation if I wanted to, she’d still be left to have our baby.

  “Excuse me for a moment.” She moves away from me, and I realize the phone is ringing.

  I stroll around the store before walking over to the counter. There’s no way of pretending I can’t hear every word of her conversation anyway.

  “No, Mom.” Stella is rolling her eyes in obvious annoyance, her forehead creased with lines. “I already told you I don’t want to go on a date with him. Please stop trying to set me up.”

  She turns her back to me for the last part as she whispers her reply, but I hear it anyway.

  The thought of Stella going on dates with other guys—and her mom actively trying to set her up—feels like a punch to the gut. It activates a caveman part inside of me I didn’t know existed. I want to bang my fists on my chest a few times and yell “She’s mine!” before throwing her over my shoulder to take her home with me.

  Walking back over to me, Stella plays with the hem of her shirt. “Sorry about that. Is there any way you didn’t hear that?”

  I shake my head, and we’re quiet for a moment.

  She wrinkles her nose, and fuck me, even that triggers my caveman side. She’s one of the cutest and sexiest women I’ve ever seen, and all I can think about is doing the naughtiest of naughty things to her. Right now, tomorrow, and every day after that.

  I need a plan, like, yesterday.

  “My mom’s gotten this crazy idea in her head that I need a man, right now. According to her, I ‘look lonely.’” She says the last words in air quotes, laughing nervously. “I think she’s been reading too many romance novels lately.”

  “And she thinks setting up her pregnant daughter is romantic?” I point at her belly, even though I can’t see it. The shirt is tight around her breasts but flares out right under, successfully hiding what might or might not be under it.

  Suddenly very interested in rearranging the small succulents on the shelf next to us, she mumbles something under her breath.

  “What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” I take a step closer, curious why she’s acting so weird all of a sudden.

  Stella whips around and throws her hands in the air. “I haven’t told her yet, okay? I’m a chicken, afraid she won’t take it well.”

  This is the first time I’m hearing about this, and I’m confused. “Why do you think she wouldn’t take it well? Didn’t you say she’d be there to support you? I’ve always assumed that meant you already told her.”

  “No.” She lets out a big breath and sits down on a white iron cast chair that’s positioned between two big green plants. “I know she’ll be there for me, but I’m also freaked out she’ll be disappointed regardless. I told you she raised me by herself, my dad going in and out of my life before he just stopped trying altogether.”

  Squatting down in front of her, I take one of her hands in mine. “I don’t know your mom, but I don’t think she could ever be disappointed in you. You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Plus, don’t forget I’ll be there for you and the baby, and I won’t be going anywhere.”

  Staring into my eyes, she gives a tiny nod, but I’m not sure she’s convinced. After what happened with her dad, I’m not surprised though. It will take time to convince her I really mean it.

  “Have dinner with me.” The words are out of my mouth before I think them through. “Let me do something special for you.”

  Her eyes go wide in response. “You mean, like a date?”

  “Sure. If you’d like it to be.” I don’t want to push her, but at the same time, she should know what my intentions are. “I want to cook for you at my place tomorrow, and I’d also like you to meet my brother.”

  “Okay.” That’s all she says after a long pause, but it’s good enough for me right now.

  Leaning closer, I give her cheek a kiss, closing my eyes as I take in her sweet, floral scent. “Perfect. I can’t wait.”

  Knowing Stella will be by my side tomorrow makes me feel a little better because I haven’t told anyone in my family yet either.



  Letting myself fall back on my bed, I groan in frustration. I’ve been trying to find something to wear for the last half hour, but I’ve come up completely empty. Things are either so tight they press into my bloated belly, or I have trouble closing them all together.

  I went to the store a few weeks ago to get some comfortable pants and shirts for everyday wear at the store and home, but none of those look remotely nice enough to wear tonight. Not that there are specific clothes that yell “wear me to meet the brother of your baby daddy.”

  My phone vibrates next to me, and I swipe the screen to read the message.

  Aiden: Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up? I really don’t mind.

  I type a quick reply after noticing the time and realizing how much later it is than I thought.

  Me: I’m good, but thank you. It’s not that far, and I like to walk.

  If I can ever find something to wear, that is.

  As for now, I’m still in my underwear, lying on my bed, so I huff and puff to get up and scour through my closet some more. There has to be something in there somewhere, and thankfully there is.

  Finally, I find an old, flowy maxi dress in the back that isn’t snug or too small. After pairing the simple yet elegant black dress with a light, pink cardigan and black flats, I snatch my purse and phone and make my way out to door.

  The late summer breeze feels good around me, and I’m glad I put my hair up in a messy bun, or I’d be fighting with it the whole walk. Cars zoom by as people are on their way home from work, and I make it to Aiden’s place before I know it.

  Someone leaves the building as I get there, so I’m able to slip inside without ringing the bell first.

  When I get to Aiden’s door, the sight in front of me makes bile rise up in my throat, and I’m suddenly happy I haven’t eaten anything in the last few hours.

  Aiden has a redhead wrapped around him like a pretzel while he’s devouring her mouth, his hands squeezing her butt as if his life depended on it.

  “ stupid jerk.” Wow, Stella, very original. My raised voice echoes around the dark hallway as I try to keep the pain in my chest at bay.

  The couple jumps apart, and before I really know what’s happening, I throw my purse at the two of them, feeling a little thrill when Aiden can’t get out of the way fast enough, and it hits him on his temple.

  “What the hell? Fuck.” His hand goes up to his head at the same time the door opens right next to him, showing a confused Aiden.

  Wait. What?

  Why on earth are there two of them?

  Black dots pop up in my vision, alongside a buzzing sensation that’s rushing through my veins.

  “Stella?” Aiden’s voice comes closer as my knees buckle underneath me, suddenly too weak to hold me up anymore. Two strong hands come around my middle and back, picking me up in one swift move. He walks inside and sits down on the couch with me still in his arms.

  Closing my eyes, I try to focus on my breathing, so I won’t pass out completely. Someone puts a cold washcloth on my forehead, and when I feel better a few minutes later, I open my eyes to see a very concerned-looking Aiden—his face close to mine.

  “Don’t you ever do that again. You scared the crap out of me.” He blows out a big breath and closes his eyes for a moment before looking at me again. “You’re okay?” His hand brushes over my cheek as I relish th
e contact.

  I nod while doing an internal check to see if anything feels weird or hurts, but nothing seems out of the ordinary. “I think so. I forgot to eat lunch. Sometimes I get dizzy when that happens, but I’ve never had it this bad before. Sorry. The pregnancy probably made it a lot worse, but I’ve definitely learned my lesson, I can tell you that much.”

  Aiden opens his mouth to say something but never gets the chance, as a female squeal sounds through the room first.

  A male voice follows. “Did she just say pregnancy?”

  Turning my head slowly, I see two people sitting on the other couch, and everything that happened outside the apartment comes back to me. My face feels like it’s on fire as I quickly turn back to Aiden, burrowing my face in his chest. “Oh my gosh, that really happened? I can’t believe it. I was hoping I hallucinated. I feel so stupid.”

  The words come out mumbled, but I’m pretty sure Aiden can hear them just fine since he starts to chuckle.

  “Yeah, about that.” The words rumble through his chest, and I’m not sure who he’s responding to. “Surprise.”

  “For real? How—” The other man never finishes his sentence. “And it’s yours?”

  “Yup.” That’s all Aiden says before he shifts around with me still halfway on his lap. “This is Stella, by the way. Remember I told you about her last month.”

  The woman’s eyes are wide as saucers. “Are you serious right now? This is the woman that broke your—” She bursts into laughter before finishing whatever she was planning on saying. “Oh, this is too good. Well, congratulations, you guys.”

  Closing my eyes, I focus really hard on calming down enough to face these strangers. I hate rude people, and I’m pretty sure my behavior right now is starting to enter into impolite territory. Taking one more deep breath, I brush the hair out of my face and slide off Aiden’s lap to sit next to him.